Casas Newsletter - 11/30/2018

Classroom Snapshot: Ms. Key, 3rd grade

Please read further in the printed Friday Folder or see the linked documents.


Casas Winter Event

Our Parent Events Committee is planning a Winter Break send-off for families on Thursday, December 20th starting at 3:45pm. See you there!

Upcoming Reminders:

  • 7th-8th Grade Civics Trips: First payment ($100) due December 3, 2018 to Capital Tours
  • GoCPS High School Application deadline for 8th graders: December 14!
  • After School Programming: Last week for America Reads/UIC Tutoring – 12/4 and 12/6
  • POMS Meeting: December 5 at 8:15am All parents are welcome!

Attendance Reminder: Cold Weather Preparation

This time of year winter starts to take a toll on school attendance.  Snow and slushy weather may keep some families from getting to school. So can illnesses. Students miss out on important learning even if they are excused. If students are absent, please send a written note when the they return to school.

Develop back up plans for getting your children to school in winter weather on time. That could mean waking up a little earlier or checking with other families to share walking or driving your children to school together.

Keep your children healthy. Dress warmly for the cold weather with coats, hats and gloves. Encourage them to wash their hands regularly. If your children do get sick, talk to a doctor about when they should be absent or okay to return to school.