Crusading with the Principal
Shout-out to the families who participated in our events over these last two weeks! Families joined us for two of our FUTURE Parent events: “Asking the Right Questions” and “Disciplining without the Drama”. We also had families come out to begin the discussion to start a Girl Scout Troop (grades K-3). If you are interested in co-leading our Girl Scout Troop, please reach out to the Main Office (312-432-3224).
Here are a few other great things happening at school this week:
More sweet treats went home than anything this week- thank you in large part to our students in National Junior Honor Society for leading the Valentine’s Day fundraiser! There was the $1.00 “dress-up” day on Wednesday and the Candy Gram sale (items ranging from $.50 to $1.00). In all, NJHS raised over $175.00!! The money NJHS collected will be put to use for more school-wide NJHS sponsored events. (There have been many sweet treats in fundraising recently, we will be holding off on sweet treats for a while).
Our outstanding 8th graders have been working with on a special school-wide campaign called “We Create Change”- with the goal of raising $250 dollars to buy goats for families in Africa. This is part of a global campaign sponsored by We Charities. You can learn more at:
So far, all of the change that has been coming in brings us to a of $160.00! This amount will buy goats for three families. These goats will help families become more independent and better support their families. We look forward to making this $250 by our deadline: Wednesday, February 28th!! Thank you for all of your spare change!! The class that brings in the most money will get a pizza party as a thank you!!
We would like to welcome our newest Dream Team member: Mr. Thomas Quinn. Mr. Quinn is joining us as our Case Manager and Special Education Teacher.
Let’s stay focused on attendance! Students aren’t learning if they aren’t in school. Please make sure that if everyone is in good health, even if the weather is awful, that every effort is made to get your student into school….even if they are late. Every day they miss of school sets them further behind their classmates, making them less likely to graduation. At Casas, we focus on providing students every opportunity to be successful. Thank you for supporting us!
As a reminder- keep in mind that although the letter grade may not seem important, it is the letter grades that largely determine opportunities students will have in the future. If you are ever curious about a grade on Progress Reports, tests, or even projects, make sure to contact the classroom teacher and schedule a meeting. Every member of the Dream Team at Casas is dedicated to our student’s success.
Please remember that PE is on Tuesdays and Thursdays!
ACCESS Testing continues through February. Students who participate in the ACCESS testing are students who have indicated they speak a language other than English at home. This assessment measures student mastery of the English language. Students are tested in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Please encourage your student to try their best when taking this assessment so it can accurately reflect their mastery of the English language.
Learn English for Free!! City Colleges of Chicago will be hosting an information session at two of our Acero Schools on Monday, February 26th to learn more about the program. Please see the website calendar for more details.
DENTAL FORMS are due! Please make sure to send your students with the most paperwork from the most recent check-ups! These can be submitted to Ms. Ramirez in the Main Office.
As always, please call the Main Office with any updates to contact information or pick-up, drop-off routines:312-432-3224.
We are the Casas Crusaders-small, but MIGHTY!