#3 Crusading with the Principal


As we open the door on the month of September, it is important to remember that school is in full swing.  Our students cannot be successful without your support!  Please make sure to advocate for your students by asking questions and holding your students accountable.  


You can partner with us by holding your student accountable for being the best person they can be.  Encourage them to try their best, even when things get tough.  Push them to meet the challenges that are set for them in the classroom.  Ask them questions beyond “How was your day?”  Ask them what they learned, how they demonstrated kindness, even what they hope to accomplish tomorrow!  Set goals with them, both long-term and short-term goals (even if it is as simple as remembering their tie!)


No matter the obstacles we face, it is important that the students are at the forefront of all decision making- both as teachers and parents.  We must work together to create opportunities for our students to be successful.  


Acero Letter

Included in the pdf attachment is a letter that was sent out from the Acero team, outlining movement we have made towards our values- this week’s highlighted value was community.  


Please make sure to be an active member of our school community and join us on Tuesday, September 5th, for our first Crusading POMS meeting of the year- see the calendar for details!


FUTURE Leaders

As many of you heard at our Back-2-School BBQ, we are working to create FUTURE Leaders at Casas.  FUTURE is our acronym for values that we will be focusing on instilling in our students this year.  


In September, we will begin discussions around the first value: Focus.  Focus was selected as a value because in our world today, with so many distractions, it is easy to lose sight of what is important. Each day, students will engage in discussion and activities around this value. At the end of the month, students who demonstrated the value of "focus" will be invited to attend a special event.


Going Green

Continue to check the website for important dates and information (like the next Crusading POMS meeting and when Progress Reports will be sent home!)


Any reminders or information that would traditionally have been sent home in Friday Folders is now accessible on the website.


Before You Go!

  • No School on Monday, September 4th- observance of Labor Day.
  • Acknowledgement of Receipt” forms for the Acero Schools Student Handbook must be signed and turned in to the Main Office (a copy is available through the link on the site).
  • Medical Forms and FIIF Forms are due to the Main Office- see Ms. Ramirez for details.
We look forward to our work together this year!

Attached Files