Casas Family Communication 2/19/21

Upcoming dates & Events: 
  • BAC Meeting: February 23 at 6pm
  • Q3 Casas Parent/Caregiver Meeting: February 25 at 6pm (see flyer for meeting information)
  • Last Day for New Student Enrollment & Intent to Return Forms due February 26
  • Complete Acero Hybrid Survey by February 26
  • Presentations of Learning: March 4 & 5


Spring 2021 Presentation of Learning (Conferences) 

Even though conferences will be still virtual this year, we are thrilled to have the another opportunity to check-in with your family one-on-one and to have your child present their learning and discuss goals.

Conferences will take place March 4th from 11am - 7:30pm and March 5th from 7:30 am - 11:00am(*These are mandatory and by appointment only.*)

Please see the attached flyer for details on how to join your child's conference appointment. Conference appointments and links are different than the Google Classroom link and special for each child. 

*Please call the office as soon as possible if you have an issue your appointment time.

Kindergarten, Ms. Munguia & Ms. Duran -  
1st Grade, Ms. Vester -  
2nd Grade, Ms. Tuten -  
3rd Grade, Ms. Olson -
4th Grade, Ms. Long -
5th Grade, Ms. Grimm -
6th Grade, Ms. Wilke -  
7th Grade, Ms. Colleen -
8th Grade, Mr. Schnura -

Realice la Encuesta de Aprendizaje Híbrido

* Las escuelas Acero tiene la intención de permanecer remotas por lo menos hasta el 4/16/2021 (final de nuestro tercer trimestre) *

Seguimos valorando sus comentarios y, una vez más, buscamos evaluar las preferencias de los padres y cuidadores con respecto a una eventual transición al aprendizaje híbrido. Haga clic aquí (o use el enlace a continuación) para completar nuestra encuesta para padres y cuidadores de aprendizaje híbrido para indicar su preferencia de aprendizaje para su hijo. La encuesta permanecerá abierta hasta el viernes 26 de febrero.

Puede obtener más información en "Centro de transición de aprendizaje híbrido" de Acero, Proporciona información sobre las consideraciones internas y externas que influyen en nuestra transición final y también proporciona información sobre los protocolos y sistemas generales en vigor para permitir una transición segura.

Take the Hybrid Learning Survey

*Acero Schools intends to remain remote through no less than our 3rd quarter (2nd) Quarter (4/16/2021)*

We continue to value your feedback and once again seek to gauge parent and caregiver preference in regards to an eventual transition to hybrid learning. Please click here to take our Hybrid Learning Parent and Caregiver Survey. The survey will remain open through Friday, February 26.

You can learn more at Acero's “Hybrid Learning Transition Hub,” It provides information regarding the internal and external considerations that influence our eventual transition and also provides insight into the general protocols and systems in place to enable a safe transition.

Hybrid Survey Link/ Encuesta Híbrido Enlace:

Se agradece enormemente su apoyo y aportes continuos. We apprecate your continued support and feedback!