Casas Family Communication - 5/29/2020

Important Updates at Casas for End of the 2019-2020 

In this week's Friday Folder we have included details for student material pick-up and drop-off, Kindergarten and 8th grade Graduations, Quarter 4/Semester 2 Grades, Casas Parent Workshop opportunity, and a message from Acero Schools including the 2020-2021 Academic Calendar.
  • Parent Workshop with Urban Gateways (Part 2): Wednesday, June 3 (5:00-6:00pm)
  • Student Material Pick-up & Drop-off (see attached details):
    • K-7th grade: June 11 & June 12
    • 8th grade ONLY: June 15
  • 8th Grade Graduation: June 18th (see attached details)
    • 8th grade Graduation material pick-up & drop-off June 15 (ONLY)
  • Kindergarten Graduation: June 17th & June 18th (see attached details)
  • ABC Countdown: May 10-June 18 *See ABC Countdown Calendar for specific details
  • Last Day of School: June 18


Parent Workshop Opportunity

Thank you to all the parents that joined us for the first workshop on May 27th with Urban Gateways! Join us again for Part 2!

Making Connections: Mindful Practices & Visual Arts

Haciendo Conexiones: Prácticas de Atención Plena y las Artes Visuales

May 27 & June 3 (5:00-6:00pm)  

Casas is excited to partner with UrbanGateways to offer a free, two-part parent workshop on Wednesday, May 27 (5-6pm) & June 3 (5-6pm). This was a scheduled parent event prior to our school closure and has been adapted so Casas families can now engage virtually. Please complete this survey to gauge your interest and participation by 5/26.

Casas está emocionada de asociarse con UrbanGateways para ofrecer un taller gratuito para padres de dos partes el miércoles 27 de mayo (5-6pm) y el 3 de junio (5-6pm). Este fue un evento programado para padres antes de nuestro cierre de la escuela y ha sido adaptado para que las familias de Casas ahora puedan participar virtualmente. Por favor complete esta encuesta para medir su interés y participación en 5/26.

Attached Files