Casas Newsletter - 2/22/19

One of the ways we celebrate and share your child’s learning is through our bi-annual Presentation of Learning Conferences. Students are already preparing in their classes to present things they can do now that they couldn’t do and understand before our last conferences in November.

As these conferences are an essential feature of your child’s experience here at Casas and an important opportunity to protect one-on-one time between you and your child’s teacher, we expect all families to attend.

Please fill out and promptly return the form sent home on Friday so that we can best schedule for your availability. We will send home a confirmed conference time with next week's Friday Folder on March 1.
Upcoming Events: 
  • POMS Meeting: February 27th at 8:15am
  • Presentation of Learning Conferences: March 7 and 8th , by appointment


Classroom Snapshot: Ms. Calderon, Bilingual Teacher (5-8th grade) & Ms. Romero, Spanish Teacher (K-8)

Please read further in the printed Friday Folder or see the linked documents.